Saturday 20 June 2009

Friday 5 December 2008

Save Your Money For the Worst!

Conservatives and libertarians in the media keep arguing that people should have money saved in case they lose their jobs, even though saving for the worst is one of the factors that is causing job losses. If people are too scared to spend their legitimate, non-credit incomes, then they will not buy the products and services that employ people. This, of course, means job losses. So I must ask, do conservatives really understand what they are talking about? Do they really understand the economy? Or are they all just a bunch of doctrinaires disconnected from reality?

Tuesday 18 November 2008

A Rebellious Folk Song Against Change

Watching conservatives trying to use the liberal counter-culture of the 1960s against liberalism is disturbing. The folk music of the 60s was against conservatism. No if, ands, or buts about it. It was rebellious music FOR change; not rebellious music AGAINST change. So please, conservatives, stop embarassing yourselves. Instruct the "liddle lady" to put back on her blue jeans, boots, cowboy hat, and flannel shirt.

Thursday 13 November 2008

Trial by Blogosphere

William Ayers did not kill anyone during his communists years. He destroyed a statue a couple of times, broke many windows, and set off some bombs, but didn't kill anyone. It's a fact. In his own words, "While we did claim several extreme acts, they were acts of extreme radicalism against property," and “We killed no one and hurt no one. Three of our people killed themselves.” But some anti-Americans on the far right don't want to accept this fact. They want to accept the opinion of a victim (Justic Murtagh) of a crime that was never solved instead of upholding the pro-American value of being innocent until proven guilty by a jury of one's peers in a court of law. I don't blame them. Without Murtagh's opinion, Ayers is reduced from terrorist to radical vandal. He would no longer be a useful stick that they can shake at the populace to instill fear. They want trial by opinion, or trial by blogosphere, because it is their political party that has carried out terrorist attack after terrorist attack; from abortion clinics where one or two people have been murdered to Timothy McVeigh's horrible bombing of a government building that killed 168 federal employees and civilians. They want to divert attention away from themselves.

Friday 31 October 2008

Bill Ayers was Not a Terrorist

Terrorists are people who use death to create terror in people. For example, muslim extremists blow up Jewish civilians to create a climate of terror in the Israeli populace, while the Israeli levels neighborhoods with missiles to do the same. These are acts of terrorism. Terrorists use our natural fear of death to terrorize us.

Bill Ayers, however, never killed anyone. He was a true American fighting against a government fighting a war he thought unjust, the Vietnam War. He bombed the outside of the Pentagon and an anti-unionist statue twice, killing no one. Once police were posted to guard the statue, he didn't bomb them. A terrorist would have. Therefore, the only labels that can be applied to him are "revolutionary" and "vandal", NOT terrorist.

Friday 17 October 2008

What An Idiot

Thursday 16 October 2008

Backwards Economics

Trade Unionist Blames Financial Crisis On Falling Wages

I love circles. Which came first? The New Deal or the CRA? Obviously the New Deal. Which came first, job losses or looser requirements for home loans? Yes, that's right, job losses. There is no circle! The Clinton administration lowered the requirements of the CRA in response to millions of white collar jobs being downsized during 91-93. The outcry scared the professional politicians, so they were forced do something. And the CRA crashed for what reason? Yes, that's right again! Job losses! Millions of jobs have been outsourced overseas since 2000, causing sub-prime mortgages to go unpaid. JOB LOSSES ARE THE PRIMARY CAUSE, NOT THE FINANCIAL SYSTEM> The financial system is a mirror of politics.